[Bonus chapter] Revelation [2]

"Did we even read the same novel?"


Lark opened a specific page in the diary and began reading.

"Infiltration Target: Umbra

Danger Level: 62/100

Minimum Requirements: Appraisal, Golden Turtle, Level 30 or above

Goal: Potential-up Elixir, Sword of Eternity

Note: Acting as a business partner has the highest chance of Success."


He opened a new page.

"Infiltration Target: Tartarus

Danger Level: 95/100

Minimum Requirements: Tesla-rank, Sword of Eternity, Teleportation Magic

Goal: To free Sandman

Note: Getting caught as a villain can make for an infiltration easier."


"Target: Planet Delmond

Danger Level: Impossible

Minimum Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Rapid increase in levels and possibly ranks

Note 1: Planet Delmond is the place where the second protagonist will go under rapid growth in a few years.