Know your place [1]

The stadium in which the championship was going to be held was near the periphery of the Underworld.

I pulled the hood closer to my head as I navigated through the crowd.

(Are you worried about someone recognizing you?)

I nodded.

With my different hair color, mask, and thick robes, it was practically impossible to recognize me. But there was one problem.

It was my earrings.

The [Mephistopheles Earrings] couldn't be removed.

The championship was a yearly tournament that was moderately popular. It would spell trouble if someone recognized me by my earrings.

"Coming through."

Miller, who was walking in front of me, shouted as he pushed through the oncoming crowd.

While walking to the registration venue, I tried to find any traces of Tristan.

Finding Tristan and recruiting him was one of my two primary goals for coming here.

The other goal was 'Mermaid's tear' the 2nd prize in the tournament.