Alchemy King [2]

To increase my strength most straightforward path was reaching Enma-rank. It would take me a few months at the earliest to do that.

Other than that I had: Fighting skills, Magic, Curse, Skills, Art, and Zero, to strengthen myself.

Fighting skills had no shortcut and were something that needed time to grow.

Magic was still an ambiguous path that I wasn't sure how to start.

It would take two months at minimum to get materials for the curse. After that, I needed to embed the curse in my body, conquer the embedded curse, and lastly take my time to learn it. Though I had no way of knowing what my curse would be and if there were more steps to own a curse.

For skills, I needed to buy them or win them through dungeons. I was going to do exactly that in Dungeon of Trails.

My art was my primary focus.