Alchemy King [4]

Katrina watched Nathan with troubled eyes.

"Should I go to bring the ingredients? I don't think he'll... wake up soon."

She did not know how long Nathan was going to take, but it would take a few hours at least. 


Katrina's face became beet red.

She looked at the hamburgers resting on the table and audibly gulped.

Alternating her eyes between Nathan and the food, she couldn't decide what to do. The last time she lost consciousness from hunger, she would've died if not for the annual inspection drones that found her knocked out cold.

Back then, the bullying had just begun, and she was unable to cope with it. Thus, she hid inside the building, staying holed up for days.


Breaking her chain of thoughts was the rumbling of her stomach.

"...I'll eat."

She took a hamburger and stared at it.

Shaking her head, she opened her mouth and took a small bite.