Main Cast [1]

-(Present || ???; Location: ???)-

"Haaah... Haaah..."


A figure darted through the jungle without a moment's rest.

Her breathing was loud and heavy, her heart pounding in her chest as she ran. She was covered in sweat from exertion, but it wasn't enough to make her stop.

She looked back every few seconds, fear clouding her countenance.

Swiftly turning right, she ran through the thicket.

The roots almost made her fall, the eerie silence making it seem like something would jump out at any moment.

But she kept running as if fleeing some unseen beast that only existed in her mind's eye.

Barely reaching in front of an inconspicuous tree, she mumbled something.

A magic circle appeared on the tree's bark.


The bark waved and vanished, the girl jumped inside the tree, and shortly the bark reappeared, closing the entrance the girl used.