Chapter 8

Edward was really upset and started hitting Daniel very hard.

Edward: Don't...ever ....say ..that...again!

Edward's mom died from cancer.She was very young and Edward was only five.After her death his father married another woman who he was cheating with and they had another baby,Daniel.He is the same age with Edward.Edward was very mad at his father, because he thought that he caused his mother's death.He couldn't stand his step-mother and Daniel.

Eric was searching for his friends and he found him.He run to him and attacked Edward.

Eric:What are you doing?

He helped Daniel stand up and turned to talk to Edward.But he disappeared before he said anything.

Eric:Are you alright?

Daniel:I am fine!

Eric:You are not!Why he was hitting you?

Daniel:I don't know.

Eric:Tell me!He seems that type of guy who will not hit somebody only for fun!

*Drin* *Drin*

Daniel:We have to go!We will be late !

Daniel started walking to their classroom.

Eric:Wait!You are injured!You!

Eric grabbed him.

Eric:Come with me to the nursery!





Zoe,Sara, Leonor, Nicolas and Andrew went to their classroom.Mr Peter entered the class.

Mr Peter: Good morning everyone!

Class: Good morning Mr Peter!

Mr Peter:Is anyone absent today?

Edward only?

Andrew:He is here!I saw him!We can search for him!

Sara: Andrew ,I don't think anyone wants to!

Mr Peter:Zoe,could find Edward?

Zoe:Okay...I will try!

Zoe left the class to searched for Edward.

Zoe's thoughts:Why me ??Again I have to deal with Edward!

Zoe was walking in the corridor.At the same time Eric and Daniel were leaving the nursery.

Eric:Oh! Anorexic?You are not supposed to go to your lesson?

Zoe:The teacher told me to searched for Edward!

Daniel:I am not surprised!

Zoe:Do you know where he is? the art class.

His mother's paintings is there

Zoe:I see!Thank you!

Zoe's thoughts:Why did he say"his mother"? Are they siblings, aren't they?

Zoe went to the art class and there she saw Edward sitting like a little boy, looking at a painting.She tried slowly to get closer to him.

Zoe: Edward?

Edward turned back scared.Zoe was feeling like she had to deal with a wild cat.

Edward:Why are you here?

Zoe:The teacher told me to searched for you.

Edward:You have searched the whole school?

Zoe:No!Daniel told me where to find you!

Edward:That a$$hole !

Zoe:Just come with me please!

Edward:Go away!Get lost !

Edward got closer to Zoe.In this way she could see his red eyes from crying.She gently touched his face.

Zoe:You were crying.

Edward grabbed her hand.

Edward:I said GET LOST!

He held her tiny hand tight and accidentally crush it.


Zoe: Ouch!

Edward left her hand.

Zoe:Ouch!My hand!It hurts !

Edward:I.. don't..

Zoe:Why did you do this?

Edward didn't want to do it.He was really sorry and wanted to apologize but he couldn't.So he left the room.

Zoe was sitting, holding her might broken hand.She decided to follow Edward.They were going to their classroom but suddenly he grabbed her .

Zoe:What are you doing?

Edward: Let's go to the nursery!


Edward:I might broke your hand!

They went to the nursery and he really broke her hand.After finishing the procedure,Zoe left the nursery.Edward was outside of it and waited for her.

Edward:Is your hand okay?

Zoe:Yeah.It just broken!Ha!

Edward:I hope,you don't write with right hand.

Zoe:The 98% of people write with right hand.I can be an exclusion!I am right-handed!

Edward:I didn't want to do that! Sorry!

Zoe: Anyway!We have to go to the lesson! Let's go!

Edward:Why you are not afraid of me ?

Zoe:There is nothing to be afraid.

Edward smirked.

Edward: Ha!

Okay,Let's go!