
Fables move the world forward. They guide us through our past mistakes, give us hope and teach us to better. The tale of the princess of fire was one like that. It taught everyone to look for the light when the world is the darkest.

Marigold had adored that tale.

Melinda had left the room and Marigold sat there alone. She remembered about her brother, how he wanted to be a healer when he got back. She felt that she hated herself and the world hated her too. She felt like she was Electra.

She remembered that story and she hated every part of it.

From the east, they came rowing and flying their longboats. Men had raggedy black beards and thick long hair that was washed in salt and snow. The women sat inside caring for the young, their chins sharp and their skin brown. They wore boiled leather armour made from wolf skin and cloaks made of white bear pelts.