Birds in a cage

She has lived for nearly seven decades, she was deadly with a bow and she was an envoy sent by elves. But even with all these, one couldn't overcome fear. She felt her heart thump. Cold sweat dripped down the back of her neck. Fingers hung over her shoulders, heavy.

"Don't worry," the voice was solemn. "You can leave if you want," she came beside her.

Even though she felt a bit calm, Chaenath was confused. "What is it you want from me?" she asked.

She squeezed near and looked across the waters. "Can you see that?" she pointed to the land across the island. "That's where father is."

Even though it was night and the moon was half, she could still make out the torches along its walls. It was taller than the trees around it. She couldn't tell if it was black or grey.

"I should go to them," Chaenath felt a hurry inside.

Callaway grabbed her hand. "No one will take you across."

"I will swim if I have to."