Counsel with the King

When a child leaves their home for a journey, a brother or a sister might not send you off, a father might not even know of your leaving, but a mother – she will wake and bid you even at midnight.

"Don't cut your hair so short," Trista advised. "And next time you come, bring someone to take as your man."

"Ma, don't start this–"

"Don't interrupt me," Trista smiled. "I don't know what you are doing at the court, or who these people are. But one day, you will need to settle down and stop all this. We have always supported you in whatever you are doing, even when the neighbors laughed at us. You have to do this – this one thing for us. I want grandchildren when I die."

Thomson was by the door, glancing at them, reluctant to come and talk to his daughter. "Oh, and make sure he is not someone like your father," Trista giggled.