A girl's hope

On the night Riley left, Tanya drowned herself in tears. It would not be the first time; she knew. In fact, it was better than the last, or the time before. This time, she was in a room with white silk curtains, a soft bed, clear lamps, and a clean floor.

Last time, the floor was always dirty no matter how many times she moped. The lamps filled the air with smoke and the bed was hard.

And the time before that, for the longest time, she was in a room, and there was always someone else with her.

Men that had bought her.

One day, she would be with a man double her age, and in the next, she would be with someone nearly three years younger. She wanted to run away from there, but she was just a peasant girl in an unknown place. Where could she hope to run to?

At that time, she hated all of them. She hated Palton for betraying them, she hated the pimp in front, she hated Riley for leaving her, and she hated herself for believing him.