Are we still his friends?

The twilight seeped from the horizon, passed through the shards of ice, and scattered around. The night would be cold, but the three had no choice; they will need to camp the night in that damp cave. Outside the cave, a chilly shower was pouring, and the boy gathered some wood scurrying in the rain.

"It's your idea," Colby was wet and frustrated. He walked to the other two and dropped the wet wood on the dirt. "A mountain auroch she says – can't it be a regular auroch?" he grunted and sat down. Outside the cave, the sun was setting and he need to make the fire fast. He took out the flints from his pouch and started to make the fire. But the wood was damp, and the sparks refused to catch them. "Damn the mountain auroch," he grunted and hit the flints.