Chapter 12

Kathyln was at the back of the club sitting on the floor while crying,logan was behind her but he didn't say anything and kept on looking at her back view till she stood up and ran to vomit.

He walked up to where she was and held her hair her hair for her so it wouldn't be a burden,when she was done she stood up and looked at him.

How much did you drink?,he asked and she ignored him and went inside to take the water bottle she kept and washed her mouth.

He watched as she completely ignored him and washed her mouth.

Are you going to keep ignoring me,logan asked and she looked at him for a while before saying

I have nothing else to say to you,i would just like to stay out of trouble,she said and was about to leave when he cornered her.

Who are you running away from and who is putting you in trouble,why won't you talk to me,i have always being there for you so what is changing your attitude towards me,he said lookinh dejected and sad.

With a small sigh kat said"look can't we just be colleagues who work together,i really don't want trouble from anyone.

Who exactly?,he asked.

Your girlfriend,kathlyn said and he looked confused so he kept quiet.

I know you have a girlfriend and she threatened to harm my family if i don't stay away from you,kathlyn said her face all red like it was abouy to explode.

Let me take you home,you're wasted,logan said and realised she was about to protest so he added.

I am asking as a colleague,he said and she nodded.

He took her to his car,luckily she was with her purse and didn't have to go back inside so she just entered the car as he opened the door for her,afterwards he started driving and the car was enveloped by silence ,it had already being ten minutes before he asked " where do you stay",she didn't answer him and stayed quiet,he thought she was just ignoring him but to his surprise when he turned to look at her,she was fast asleep and slept like a baby without a care in the world.

He needed to know where she stayed but didn't have the guts to wake her up as she was so peaceful,he stopped the car by the roadside and thought about calling valerie but he soon dismissed the thought from his head,he finally resorted to checking her bag,luckily he found a piece of paper placed neatly at a corner when he opened it he saw the adress written on it,he started the car and silently drove to where she stayed.

She woke up with a small yawn and rubbed her eye and looked outside to see that they were parked outside her apartment,she turned to him and said "did we just arrive".

Well not really,but i didn't want to wake you up so i let you sleep,he said.

You could've woken me instead of unconvincing yourself,she said feeling guilty.

I don't think of you as an inconvenience,logan said staring at her and she thought of the situation as awkward so she suddenly thanked him and ran away.

He left when she had already entered her house,he went to his house thinking to get a good night sleep but sleep was far away from him and he could not stop thinking of her,he turned and turned on the bed trying to sleep,meanwhile kathyln slept peacefully as she was really tired and wasted,so she forced herself to take a shower before jumping on the bed to sleep.


The next morining she woke up to the heaviest headache she had ever had,she kept on holding her head and squinting her eyes trying to endure the pain in her head,before she stood up she sae ut was 8:00am,she could sleep more as it was Sunday but sleep didn't come again so she just stood up and opened her drawer to take the pain killer when she heard her doorbell,at first she thought it was valerie and wondered why she was knocking when she could just come in.

Didn't she have the spare keysin ,kathlyn thought and went downstairs to open the door.

Why didn't you just barge in,you have a spare key don't you,kathlyn said and she opened the door and was shocked to see logan standing there with a small bag in his hand.

Good morning,he said with a smile and she smiled awkwardly and waved for him to come inside.

He entered and she closed the door behind him anf watched as he sat down making himself comfortable,she watched questionably.

You didn't expect me to keep standing,did you?,he said and she went to sit close to him without another word.

I brought this for you,he said and gave her the bag,she looked hesistant to take it but he pushed it into her hand and she collected the bag which felt hot,she opened it to see it was soup....,to be precise hangover soup.

I know you haven't taken anything,so drink up,he said.

How are you sure i haven't already had one,she asked with raised brows.

Well you look like you just got out of bed,he said and she knotted her brows.

What do you mean?,she asked.

I don't think you have looked in the mirror,he said and she suddenky became self aware and with widened eyes skipped away from thw living room to her room.

Geez,did i really go out like this,she ssid looking at her face,she was even wearing her nightgown.

O lord help me,she screamed inwardly before arranging her hair and changing into something more presentable before going back.