Epistles from the Murk - Part 3

Vilimir Manor

Kersti Territory, Rodakrov


"Papa, a letter has come for you."

The duke of Territory Kersti raised a quieting hand to his steward, rather used to his eldest marching into rooms without bothering to knock or announce her presence whatsoever beforehand. She was the incarnate of her late mother.

"A letter? From whom?" Ivon asked, extending a hand to receive the parchment.

"Castle Mechi," Anastasija replied, shoulders pulled back, chin lifted. "It's about time I'm called upon, don't you think, papa?"

Ivon exhaled a sigh, studying the envelope. The addressing was written by Captain Ratko of Castle Mechi, which wasn't necessarily anything out of the ordinary.

Before Bozhidar's death, Nikolai was in the habit of writing his own correspondences – and his father's – but with his ascension, he likely had little time to partake in such menial tasks anymore.