CH 03 : Escape


(The guard who took elric to the other children's room)I became a Hunter 3 years ago, but because I was only a D Rank, I could not earn enough for myself but one day some well suited people came to me and offered me a guard's job. I refused the offer because of pride. But they offered me 3 times more money to watch over a single 10 years old boy, that is why I could not reject it. I went with them as they told me that I had to work with two more guards. I thought it was suspicious at first but ignored it.

After meeting with the Matron of the orphanage I could tell that she was at least a C Rank. The other guards were also D Rank. We were asked to stay alert at all times and not to let the child go out of our sight. It has been three months since we were stationed outside the kid's room but we have not even seen his face as he didn't leave his room. But today he suddenly came out and asked that he wanted to play with other children. All of us were very shocked, but in the end we decided that I will take him to the other children's room while the other will report it to the Matron.

After dropping Elric of by the room I stood there untill the door closed, then I sat down on the chair, after a while the two other guards came and we stared talking leisurely.

While we were talking about our hunts, we heard a rattling sound followed by a scream coming from the hallway. The hallway was about fifty meters away. We immediately ran over there and saw that the room we had been guarding for the past few months was on fire. We were all speechless. A maid suddenly came and yelled.

"What are you morons doing, hurry up and put out the fire".

I said.

"O. . .Ok . . ."

"Hurry up, go and bring water".

As all of us were warriors and didn't knew how to cast spells, therefore we had to go and bring water. We extinguished the fire after about twenty minutes. All of us went in the room to see what caused the fire and were shocked to see that the everything in the room had turned to ash. While looking around in the room, I found an unburned piece of paper on the ground. Just as I was about to pick it up, I sensed a presence behind me, I turned around and saw Granny Cornelia standing behind me as if she was there from the start.

'When did she came behind me', I thought.

She leaned forward and picked up the paper. Her expression suddenly distorted and she asked.

"Where is Elric?".

I answered.

"He is playing with the other children".

She said.

"Bring him to me."

I immediately ran towards the children's room and saw that the door was already open. I entered the room and saw the children's nanny unconscious. The door gets locked immediately after it is closed and it can only be opened by two people, either Granny Cornelia or the children's nanny. All the children were playing. As I was about to ask them about Elric, a voice came from behind me.

"Where is Elric?"

It was Granny Cornelia. The children also became silent and a kid who seemed to older then the other answered.

"Big brother Elric left the room after the commotion started outside".

The boys name was Yuwon. He was 7 years old. Granny Cornelia asked.

"And what happened to your nanny".

"Big brother Elric said that we were going to play hide and seek and asked all of us to hide, so all of us hid and don't know what happened with the nanny. Big brother Elric said that she was sleeping. Is something wrong.", Asked Yuwon.

Granny Cornelia smiled and said,

"No kids what would be wrong. Nothing happened at all."

I was shocked to see Granny Cornelia like this. All of us left the room and Granny Cornelia ordered,

"Find Elric and bring him to me at all cost. I want him alive."

We all answered,


Before going to look for Elric I went to his room to look for the piece of paper that Granny Cornelia picked up. After five minutes I found it near the corner of the room. I picked it up and was shocked.

I threw the paper and went to look for Elric with a serious expression as I thought,

'How in the world did he knew the whole structure of the orphanage. It was like I was watching the blue print of the orphanage. Even I didn't knew about the basement in the orphanage.'