Chapter 1

"Mary! You don't remember me!?"

"Sorry Aunty, but I don't."

The old lady has been bothering me for quite some time, shaking me roughly and all.

Around two minutes ago, when I noticed red hair, boobs, and an old lady calling me Mary, I figured out that I got reincarnated as a girl. And since I didn't get a headache and rush of memories like fanfictions, I played the Amnesia card. And since I was in a hospital, it worked like a charm.

The doctor and nurse decided to calm down the old lady.

"Mam! Please calm down. We have to check your niece. Please wait outside."


"Mam, we can't help her if you don't give her some space. Please, it will not take much time."

Reluctantly, she smooched my forehead and left.

The doctor looked sat down besides my bed on the chair, and started asking some questions.

"Miss, do you remember your name?"

"The old lady was calling me Mary. So that's my name, I guess."

"Your full name is Mary Jane Watson. That old lady was your aunt, Anna Watson."

My breathing stopped at the moment of hearing that. Out of everything, I just had to get reincarnated in Marvel!? And worst of all, Mary Jane!?

Oh god! I am so screwed!

"Miss Watson, did you remember something just now?"

"I don't really know... the name just felt familiar for some reason..."

I lied as easily as I breathed.

"Miss. Relax. Can you remember anything before waking up?"

I pretended to think hard, then shaked my head in denial.

"Miss Watson, it looks like you have Amnesia."


After two days, I was discharged from the hospital. From the information I have so far, it is the year 2000, 23 years behind from my original world.

I am Mary Jane Watson, a 16 year old first year high schooler, in Midtown High.

There are no smartphones, no superfast internet, no YouTube, nothing!

Uggh! First I get transported in the world of Marvel, which is so confusing and dangerous!

Then the world doesn't have smartphone and fast Internet!

And then I got reincarnated as Mary Jane!

Well, atleast I am a sexy babe. I am not going to miss my little brother at all.

Speaking of my old world, I don't think anyone will miss me much. My mom was already dead six months ago. So I was not much depressed about loosing my first life.

Anyway, since I am in Marvel, I must get powers to protect myself.

I am a little hesitant for getting the spider bite. Some stories had a Spider God or something provide the powers, and in some story, a guy's mind got overtaken by spiders. It is a risky move.

Since it is 2000, I am doubtful if there will be web-shooter Spiderman.

I am not stupid enough to believe that I can develop Arc Reactor like Iron Man. Stupid Fantasy Sci-fi genius.

I can always remain a normal person. Even if Thanos snapped his fingers, Avengers will bring me back like the Endgame. Or so I hope.

But remaining a normal person who doesn't give a crap about heros and villains is too dangerous. I can die in the collateral damage of their fights.

So my best bet is getting the symbiote before Peter, somehow contact the Ancient One to teach me magic, and... get rich?

I can certainly get rich. I am confident in being able to do that with all my experience as a Software Engineer.

I will just recreate facebook, YouTube, -

"Dear, we have reached home."

"Yes Aunty."

We arrived at our apartment building. In Queens, NY.

It looks fairly old. Aunty guided me to my new home and finally, I was able to enter bathroom.

Now it's time to get to the main issue for now! I carefully locked the bathroom's door, and stripped. I wasn't able to have fun in the hospital!