Chapter 4

Comiclover23 and Devin appear in May Yin's house.

May is putting on outfits in front of a mirror.

Then, Comiclover23 and Devin appear in May's room.

May screams as she sees Comiclover23 and Devin.

"Sorry, we couldn't call ahead, but we have a big emergency", Comiclover23 apologized.

"What kind of emergency?" May wondered.

"An emergency that put Myaleka, Myleka, and Miss Amadell's powers on mute", Devin explained.

"And I'm guessing you want me to join you two on this adventure", May figured out.

"I would also like your brother as well", said Comiclover23.

"Percy!" May called.

Percy runs into May's room, while he is holding a camera.

"What's up, sis? Hey birthday boy and Devin", Percy smiled.

"Percy, we need to go on an adventure to find a treasure that has unknown power", Comiclover23 told Percy in a quick pace.

"Alright, I'll get my adventure bag", said Percy.

Percy goes back to his room.

"Great, now maybe we should have the rest of our friends so this will go faster", replied Devin, then speed dials. "Everybody we have an emergency, make it to the Yin's residence".

"Got it", said the friend group.

In ten minutes, Jack, Kell, May, Percy, Daphne, Harmony, Comiclover23, Devin, Ka Mary, Marcus, and Dot are gathered in the backyard of the Yin's residence.

"Great, now that we are all together, we must discuss something", said Devin.

"There is a mystical item that I found and made Devin come along, and it made Myaleka, Myleka, and Miss Amadell's powers on mute, so we must find this treasure", Comiclover23 explained to the group.

"What does it look like?" Dot asks Comiclover23.

"It is a small metallic ball about the size of a softball", Comiclover23 described the treasure.

"Got it", said the group.

"Now let's split up", said Devin.

The group splits up into twos.

Kell and Harmony are looking through the bushes and notice a glowing object.

"Look", Harmony pointed out.

Kell turns around and sees the metallic ball; then runs to it.

Kell and Harmony try to run to the ball, then a red wave hits them and they pass out.

They wake up and see they are not lying on the grass instead they are lying on top of a saloon.

"What the?" Harmony looks around, then shakes Kell.

Kell opens his eyes, gets up, and says "Where are we?"

"More of when are we", Harmony corrected Kell.

Kell and Harmony look around and see saloons, old town hall, and a bunch of people dressed like they are in a western movie.

"Oh, we are in the wild wild west, seems that ball can send us back in time?" Kell figured out.

"Want to play a game?" A voice asked.

Kell and Harmony look around, with their guards up.

"Who are you? And what kind of game?" Harmony asks The mysterious voice.

"The time travel game", replied the mysterious voice.

"It must be the ball that sent us here", Kell says in a whisper.

"Yeah, and this game must mean we must catch it", Harmony whispers back.

"Fine, we will play, but wouldn't it be more fun with all our friends", Kell decided.

"You're right, we can all play together", The mysterious voice agrees.

Harmony and Kell see the Wild Wild West disappear before them and they end up back in the backyard of the Yin's residence.