The people of titan found out Quintus his stormy now the son and Stormy were dead. Quintus was sent to prison with her father at night it started with an hurricane and Sandy dust the tremor of the earth quake began the king was in his throne when a huge earthquake erupted in titan the earth open hungry for blood of the wicked the king fell and immediately held the mouth of the opened earth and shouted"help me coni please "? Mhmh no then coni grabbed his sword and cut the king hand "NOOOOOOO The king voice disappeared then the earth closed by itself.


Before dawn. In A island.

The hospital located lonely on the island, the commotion in the day had gone, leaving only unspeakable emptiness and loneliness.

In a ward, after a daily check up for Nelson, a nurse looked at the woman on the bed lying helplessly holding her abdomen and muttered, "I don't know who you are? You've been here for nearly thirteen month, but you haven't woken up yet. Look at the twins in your belly. What if they were born?"the nurse looked at Nelson with great pity "mhhm just recover from here

The door was closed, and the nurse left. She notice the woman's leg suddenly trembled.

She couldn't bend her fingers, nor could she move an inch. She could only feel the pain coming from her lower abdomen when she was totally conscious with tear in her eye .

Nelson's face was pale and weak, as if she was struggling from pain of labour of eight children. Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly, and the dull pain in her abdomen sped up. She bit her lips unconsciously! Her legs were paralyzed

At the same time, a group of people dressed in red appeared in the corridor.with a smirk at the corner of the leader lips,They quickly rushed towards the ward.

The hospital was still silent as a grave yard However, the dense pressure quickly covered the corridor, and dark clouds were on the verge of rain and thunder

The leader of the men in red picked up the phone and said in a low voice, "we have found her. Tonight, we will never let her go!"

He hung up the phone. And his group of people was standing at the coner of The ward the leader turned his head, and the man behind him quickly stepped forward and pushed the door then thunderstorm banged as they entered

They were satisfied to see the prey on the bed the woman who had a big belly lost consciousness, and sweating on her face because of pain was unbearable.

"Let me end this pain for you woman!" The leader was finally happy to win. He took out his gun and slowly pointed the gun at the woman's head "bye bye lady"

The sound of gun broke the silence of the long sky doctors begin to run helter Skeeter to check the ward

When they arrived, the ward was stained with bloodstains. The corpses lying on the ground kept their eyes open, as if they were unbelievable and frightened!

But the woman with twins had disappeared from the world

. Thunder clap sound was heard


At a large market

When passing people saw the two babies, they all slowed down in unison... The six-year-old boy with a straight face and sat square with his blue eyes . On the other side, the adorable little girl with a sweet and soft smile on her face was like an angel trying to melt the hearts of passers by she looks more beautiful with her pink hair.

"Brother, why hasn't Mommy come back yet? I am hungry." The little girl suddenly turned around. She pull a face pitifully and looked at her brother with her watery eyes and a sweet voice.she shouted brother am hungry can't you at least show an expression in your face.

There was no expression on his brother's face, but he could not help looking for their mommy and said "wait sis am sure mommy will be back "

A touch of bright light appeared in the eyes of two children, a woman of normal height in a blue dress, carrying a box of jewelry over. She smiled with her bright eyes. She ran faster when she saw her two kids, from far the kid waved

"Mommy!" The twins' eyes lit up with excitement.

Nelson putting down her jewelry and putting her hands on her waist, and then said proudly, " Aiden , Sophie here comes your lovely and brave mother." It took me only ten minutes to get the luggage! am I too late?" She asked

"Ten minutes? Then add zero at the end... " Aiden disclosed his mother with a straight angry face. However, his eyes stopped on his luggage.

He reached out to open the pressed signature plate. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. It was exactly the same as what he thought... "Mommy, who is lily

"Lily ?" Nelson seeing of the signature plate, she spanked her son's butt and said, "silly boy. Obviously, lily is the owner of the jewelry."

"So, you took it mommy jewelry Aiden asked unhurriedly."no she is.... you will see for yourself".

A group of marketers passed . The whole Market was silent.

After one hour, his lovely and brave mother came back with a box that didn't belong to them at all.

"Waah..." as Sophie realized the truth, her face became cloudy and added, "my Italian food and the weapon design drawing which was my brother drew for me..."

"The information and data about the our package, and all our belongings.aiden coldly responded

"we are done!" Nelson jumped up. "My customized suit case in England and my unlimited American perfume!"

"Where are our cases? !"

"I don't know!"

" This is an outrage!"

"I'm so sad!"

"I'm so hungry!"

With a loud sound, Sophie broke the suitcase with one hand and shouted, "Give back my snacks!"

The originally unbreakable suitcase was now torn in half by the violent attack from the little girl. Colorful food bags poured out eagerly and appeared in front of them.

"This is Snacks? " Aiden frowned.

"Snacks! !"

... The whole world was quiet again.

"This is someone else's jewelry." Sophie held her hands back.

"The person who has lost her jewelry must be anxious." Aiden nodded thoughtfully.

"Honey, it for miss lily your new baby sitter .no that hurtfull she hesitated while the kids looked at each other then she added" your new aunty"

Nelson gently stroked her kids heads and kissed their forehead