Chapter 18

Episode 18

Xavier Martins

I watched the scenario with anger coursing intermittently through my veins. I was so annoyed with the fact, of his effect towards her.

I still couldn't discard the thoughts off my mind. The way she moaned out, with the way that freaking Bastard held her so close to herself got me really angry and extremely furious.

She tried to explain, but I waved her off, walking out on her immediately.

How could she kiss him?? Why did she do it???

Darn it!!!

Being so engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't notice the moment Lorraine walked in. She caused all these $h!t anyways!!! If she hadn't forced us to play this erotica game, none of this would have happened.

I Still can't get why she can't accept the fact that I'm not her boyfriend anymore. We broke up three years ago in Riverdale, coz of her clingy attitude.

"Baby…!! Why're you looking so perturbed huh???" Her disturbing Voice came through. I stole one glance at her before jerking my chin down. She noticed I didn't reply her, and that got her infuriated coz the next thing I heard was;


Are you avoiding me huh??? Is it because of that slutty bitch??? Answer my question right this minute!!!

I flied here to Washington DC just for you, to make things work between us.

I couldn't just help but think about you every seconds and moments that always pass. Now I'm here to take you back and you're harsh towards me!!!"

"Lorraine, I'm not harsh at you" I tried to reason but she shook her head negatively, flapping her lashes annoyingly.

"Just tell me this once, Xavier I want you to be honest with me. Are you in love with that Slut??!"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

She scoffed angrily, taking two steps backwards.

"Really?? Huh?? Then why were you angry coz Xazix kissed her?? Why were you getting paranoid about it??

C-mon I wasn't born yesterday, I know when you love someone, coz it's boldly written all over you.

The heck??? What'd you take me for?? A S-x toy?? When you were turning my legs and thigh, east, north, south, west.

Then, you didn't inculcate the fact that it can't work between us?? So now you're already getting tired of me because of that Whore!!

Xavier Martins. Are you in love with her!!?'

"Yes I am!!!"


Yvonne Andrews

After the whole interrogation-night with Liana's friend, That western Witch, Jeanette freed her coz she told her the Truth. Right now I don't know whatever that's going through her mind.

I looked left and right to ensure no one starring at me secretly.

Determined, I retrieved the Diary, jamming the digits before flipping the pages open.

History Hidden Secrets of Blackville High.

Black ville high school was created for a very complicated reason. It was built because of two ladies. Shirley and Arya.

Their love story all started when they were young. They were best friends, they did everything together. As time passed, they both came of age and they started having feelings for each other.

At first they both thought it was a phase, because biblically, two girls shouldn't be in any relationship because it was really forbidden.

But they didn't realized the moment they brushed that principles and rules away because of their deep feelings. Their parents found out about it and threw them out of the house, claiming they were possessed.

They became homeless and helpless, they slept on bridges every night, with no one to cater for them, and no shelter to serve as a roof on their head.

People shunned them and called them

"Daughters of The Devil" until one day!

They met some group of people..

They call them the "Sistemics" These group of people brainwash young girls, teaching them to inspire them only. They sell drugs, cocaine.

They got influenced badly by them and they vowed to make those people that treated them unfairly pay miserably. And so, with the cash they earned from Sistemics.

They built a Highschool.

It was just called Black ville high to trick young girls in attending it. But in reality.

It's called lesbian HIGH SCHOOL! They practiced all manner of thing's and admitted psychotic lesbian students at first.

And then four identical S-x freaks got admitted too. They refer to them as the X. O. X. O guys. They're dangerous and ruthless. They also programmed S-x-Robots to manipulate and destroy anyone that tries to escape.

If you're reading this, you may have little or no opportunity to save young girls from lesblanism. Because if you can't, you're on your own.

Once you step your foot into this Highschool you're never ever getting Out!

Beware! When the times comes, there's goanna be War. A Battle. Be prepared.

My heart thumped than its ribcage, and I was so afraid to re-ad the second page, it sounded so creepy and terrifying.

I gulped hard fearfully, slipping the Diary under the bed. Jeanette walked in, kissing me forcibly on the lips before bitting my ear-lobes which sent wave of disgust through my mind.

"At last the bitch's still a vir-gin. I want us to go for our next plan"

I have to stop this!!


Liana Ohmshford


I scrubbed the sponge on my smooth skin, rinsing my soapy body with water. I turned on the cold shower, letting the water cascade on my body.

The thoughts of Xavier being annoyed with me brought sadness to my mind.

Why's he so mad at me?? Why can't he just believe me??

Oh Gawd!

I got back into the room, and soon dressed up in a light blue ripped denim Pants and a red blouse. I let my hair down, carrying my backpack.

Everyone had already walked off to class, leaving me all alone including Xavier.

I shook my head and breathed out a long sigh, walking towards class. Sherry caught up with me through the hallway, and she had this look I couldn't decipher..

Something caught my gaze. A red sign was on her neck. "Hey! What happened to you??"

"Nothing" She replied bluntly

"I still can't believe we're playing basketball" I rolled my eyes, putting on a blue Jersey as Sherry followed suit, sliding her legs into a white canvas.

I've always hated the game since I was a Kid.

At least it's better than practicing disgusting act with those former students.

I sighed as we both walked towards the Basketball field. Lorraine was still all over him and that really got me angry. What's her problem anyways??

She caused all the squabbles between I and Xavier yesterday, and she still had the guts to cling all over him right in my presence???

I scoffed sarcastically, throwing my gaze away from them.

Suddenly a hot guy in a yellow Jersey bounced in and everyone screamed excitedly. He had this intimidating physique.

A tattoo was inscribe-d on his very broad che-st, and that brought out his muscles and backbones. His curly hair blew romantically as the breeze blew.


"I think he's a new admitted guy here" Sherry whispered. His gaze caught mine and he win-ked naughtily at me, while I quickly threw my face elsewhere.

He slowly sprinted towards me with a ball in his hands, everyone's attention drifted to us and I was starting to get uneasy.

"Hi S-xy" He greeted smiling flirtatiously. "I'm Nathan.. Nathan Davidson, and you are??"

I gulped h@rd "Liana Ohmshford"

"Mind if we hang out"

"Hey Mr. You're crossing your limits!!" Sherry made her presence known.

He smiled again playing with the ball expertly on his right hand singlehandedly. He walked closer towards me and whispered to my ears.

"What's your favorite S-x position??"
