Do You Believe Me?

Ming Liuyi kept hiccuping. Yao Zizhou was speechless. Was he really that scary? A single sentence could scare Ming Liuyi to this extent? Or did Ming Liuyi simply want to kill him? Otherwise, why would she be afraid?

Ming Liuyi looked at Yao Zizhou's face and said while hiccuping, "Hic, I say, hic, I didn't, hic, want to harm you. Do you believe me? Hic."

Yao Zizhou felt Ming Liuyi's change, and everything that had happened before appeared in his mind. Ming Liuyi's ferocious face when she pushed him down and the insults she had said all made it impossible for Yao Zizhou to judge. But with Ming Liuyi being so good to him nowadays, Yao Zizhou could not be sure.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Can I trust you?"