She's Found A Better Life

Yu Han stood on the side and paced back and forth. The boss and his wife saw a lot of people gathered in front of their stall from a distance. In the middle of the crowd, there was a handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes sitting in a wheelchair. There was also a very beautiful girl standing beside him. Seeing such a large crowd, the honest boss and his wife were frightened.

He Xiang saw the two of them coming over and tried to speak as gently as possible, "Hello, are you the owners of this stall?"

The two of them immediately nodded and looked at Yu Han. 'Didn't this kid say that he would take full responsibility, why do we need to come sign for the money? Why does it seem like this isn't a simple transaction?'

After He Xiang confirmed that these two people were the owners, he did not waste time with idle chit-chat. He immediately turned around and said to a bodyguard behind him, "Bring them out."