Fairy Sister

The child's eyes lit up when he saw Ming Liuyi, and he said in a childish voice, "Sister, you're so pretty! Are you a fairy? I really like you! When I grow up, can I marry you?"

Ming Liuyi could not help but laugh. The child's mother also smiled. 

Afraid that her child would say something embarrassing again, she carried the boy and quickly left.

Yao Zizhou's face was a bit dark and his voice was a bit cold. He childishly said, "You have no chance. She's my wife!"

As expected, the little boy burst into tears when he heard Yao Zizhou's words.

"Mommy, let's go and save the fairy sister!" the child cried, "She's been captured by the devil!"

The child's mother felt the urge to throttle the boy. She apologized to the crowd from time to time, then quickly disappeared with her child in her arms.

Yao Zizhou's face turned even darker! Was he that terrifying?