So It Has To Be Me After All!

Yao Zizhou seemed to have come to terms with it in his heart. He opened his eyes and stared at his wife's face, not wanting to miss a single expression.

Yao Zizhou despised his legs so much, for such a beautiful woman... she probably hated them, too!

But his wife did not hate them! There was a smile on her face the whole time, as if she did not care about the scars at all. She just massaged them gently without any bias.

Her hands were so delicate, yet they seemed to carry a slight electric current. Every time she touched Yao Zizhou's paralyzed legs, they would feel a numbing sensation.

After the massage, Ming Liuyi saw Yao Zizhou staring at her and smiled, "Alright, I didn't massage you yesterday, so I'll do it a little longer today."

Ming Liuyi's smile dispersed the fog, and the sun shone into Yao Zizhou's eyes.
