Are You Hurt?

The chauffeur stepped on the accelerator, and Ming Liuyi instantly fell backward, pressed against the seat by the inertia. Ming Liuyi's hands were firmly gripping the handle above her window, and her face was a little pale.

Lightning streaked across the sky, followed by the clap of thunder.


There was no violent collision, only the loud sound of thunder and the screams of passers-by.

The chauffeur did not even step on the brakes and quickly brought the car in front of the Yao Corporation building. The security guards immediately lowered the guardrails to prevent other vehicles from approaching.

Ming Liuyi immediately unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. Seeing the door open, Yao Zizhou's body burst out with great strength and he stood up from the wheelchair! He did not have time to think and immediately hugged Ming Liuyi.

The two of them trembled in each other's arms.