Are You Hungry?

Cai Rixi's expression turned unpleasant. She said, "He Yanfeng, you will regret it if you take up her offer. If you change your mind before tonight, you can still contact me."

He Yanfeng's gaze showed impatience in response to that. He came from an impoverished family, and especially hated people who were so full of themselves. This is more so for Cai Rixi's current demeanor, as she poked a majorly sore spot for him.

He Yanfeng bowed his head and attempted to veil the displeasure in his gaze, and did not pay Cai Rixi any more notice.

He turned to Ming Liuyi beside him, and asked, "Have you eaten? Are you hungry?"

She had been fine before he asked, but once he did, Ming Liuyi's stomach rumbled. 

Cai Rixi gave a condescending laugh. 'Ming Liuyi is an embarrassment! A mere country bumpkin is truly uncouth, after all.'

Ming Liuyi did not feel the slightest bit of embarrassment, and immediately responded, "I rushed here and hadn't had lunch yet."