Did They Really Get Bought Over?

Yao Gui brought Cai Wenlun and Chen Xiaomei to the main table, and the crowd's chattering became even louder.

"Why did the Cai family come in with Yao Gui? Did they really get bought over by Yao Corporation?"

"Even if Cai Group was acquired, it's impossible for them to sit at the main table. I don't understand."

"But isn't the Cai family daughter, Cai Rixi, engaged to Yao Ziyang? Could it be that the Yao family has changed their minds about the acquisition?"

"If that's the case, the Cai family's daughter didn't come today?"

"Exactly, Yao Zizhou's wife isn't here either, what the hell is going on?"

People had stood up to look around the venue. Unsurprisingly, they did not see Cai Rixi or Ming Liuyi. Instead, they saw an old man with a simple and honest face beside Yao Zizhou's other best friend, Shao Mo. Although Shao Mo was wearing a suit, he seemed to be very uncomfortable.