A Bit Of A Dilemma

During the confinement period, Old Zhang made soup every day and had it delivered to the confinement center. Ming Liuyi was very happy at first, but eventually, she could not drink anymore. But she knew that this was old Zhang's kind intentions, and the soup was full of nutritious ingredients, so Ming Liuyi was in a bit of a dilemma.

Yao Zizhou saw Ming Liuyi frown and knew that she could not drink anymore. He picked up the rest of the soup and drank it himself. He said, "I'm also feeling tired. I could take advantage of these care packages you keep getting to nourish myself."

"That's right!" Ming Liuyi said with a smile. "I'll share all this soup with you from now on!"


After the confinement period, Ming Liuyi returned to the villa, much to the housekeepers' joy.

At dinner time, Old Zhang made soup again. He said, "When we delivered them to the confinement center, they got cold along the way. This batch was just made, so it tastes better."