Beyond Expectation

Cai Rixi looked at Yao Zizhou and Ming Liuyi coldly.

Although it was unexpected, it was good that both of them came. Yao Zizhou could watch his beloved woman be tortured.

"It doesn't matter," Cai Rixi sneered. "Since you don't want the child to be safe, I'll fulfil your wish."

When Ming Liuyi heard this, she immediately panicked. She shouted, "Cai Rixi, I'll do whatever you want! Don't hurt him!"

Yao Zizhou grimaced. This was the first time he had been threatened like this.


Outside, Zhao Qiang grew extremely anxious. 'The master and madam are inside...'

Zhao Qiang immediately called for backup. However, this place was too remote, and it would take about an hour for reinforcements to arrive. He did not know if his employers were in danger...


Cai Rixi ordered Lin Bei to bring Yao Zhaoyang out. Yao Zhaoyang's face was dirty and his mouth was taped shut.