Doubting Her Identity

Just when Shen Ruojing was about to act, she suddenly caught sight of a scar on Dugu Xiao's ear from the corner of her eyes.

Back then, when the two of them were doing a mission together, she was sneak-attacked by enemies due to her carelessness. It was he who pushed her away in the nick of time and blocked that slash for her.

That slash cut him from his ear to his neck.

If it was one inch deeper, the artery on his neck would have been cut and he would die.

After that, he was saved but he had a long ugly scar on his body. From that time onward, he no longer kept a crew cut, choosing to wear his hair long instead.

She still remembered that she had concocted some medicinal paste for him to get rid of the scar.

However, half a year later, his scar showed no signs of fading at all.