Recognizing Maternal Grandfather From A Photo On The Wall

Chu Cimo could sense the butler's shocked emotions. He cluelessly glanced at the resume and soon saw what Shen Ruojing had written in the 'education segment'.

Chu Cimo. "..."

He twitched his lips and his first reaction was that Shen Ruojing was bragging.

However, he naturally couldn't expose this since they were all family. He immediately seized the resume back and guiltily shouted, "Did you see it? My sister-in-law is also very impressive!"

At this moment, the door of the first room suddenly swung open and Shen Wanying walked out. Her deep gaze swept past the scene before finally landing on Shen Ruojing. "Miss Shen and Mr. Chu, the dean feels somewhat uncomfortable, and I'm currently in the midst of diagnosing her. Can I trouble you guys to wait for a little while in the other room? Please don't make such a scene outside."

Shen Ruojing lifted her eyebrows.

This sentence made it sound as though Shen Ruojing's group was the one finding trouble.