Birth Of A Retirement Lifestyle Streamer! (5)

Xiao Yi's work team had just entered the live stream room and saw the name Chu Cichen had chosen for their account, "Sweet Retirement Life."

Everyone in Xiao Yi's work team was immediately speechless,...

The name was incredibly cheesy!

Because Xiao Yi had referred viewers to this new account, there were two to three thousand viewers online as soon as it started streaming.

The members of the work team already felt that this account was doomed.

Because after the account started the live stream the first thing that appeared on the screen was... someone cooking?

And the camera was focused on a frying pan.

...The staff members were completely speechless.

Didn't anyone teach them that when a new account starts they should at least introduce themselves?

Everyone's mouths twitched and they continued watching.

As expected more than two thousand people started leaving.

There were also people chatting,