She's My Wife. I'll Accompany Her Wherever She Goes!

After sending away Du Yuanruo, Pei Qian finally looked at Lin Suisui, who was standing at the side. "Madam Liu, since you're the first to discover the sick person, you should naturally take responsibility for this matter."

I'm not proficient in medicine, but I know how terrifying this plague is. Since you took the initiative to tell me, can you resolve it?!"

"Yes, but I'm afraid I can't help you much."

Lin Suisui lowered her eyes. She had experienced many the plague before, so she naturally knew how scary they were. She also knew what to do to minimize the impact and damage.

But that was only if people listened to her.

"Everyone in the refugee camp, from refugees to officials, soldiers, and even me, will listen to your orders! If anyone violates the order or goes against it, I won't let them off easily.

In that case, are you willing to accept the order?"