Are You Worried About the Fourth Prince?!


Pei Qian came back to his senses and looked at Lin Suisui. "What?!"

"He's already awake. What do you have to ask?" Lin Suisui took a step back and moved to Lu Ze's side.

Although the sergeant lying on the bed had already opened his eyes, it was obvious that he wasn't completely awake yet. By the time Pei Qian stood beside him, the fully awake sergeant subconsciously sat up from the bed. "I have to deliver a letter!"

"What letter do you want to send?! I'm the Minister of Justice, Pei Qian. I've received the imperial decree to escort refugees to the northern region. You're seriously injured now. If you have any important military information, you can report it to me. I'll immediately arrange for it to be sent back to the capital."

As Pei Qian spoke, he had already taken out his waist token and placed it in front of the soldier.