Avoiding Medicine

As soon as Lin Suisui said this, not only Ming Yue, but even Qian He, who had been paying attention to the commotion, was completely dumbfounded.

What the…

"Don't worry, my husband has been with me for so many years and has some medical skills. Examining and bandaging the general will be a piece of cake for him."

Lin Suisui smiled and pushed Lu Ze in front of the two of them. After giving some instructions with a smile, she turned around and quickly tiptoed away.

Ming Yue looked at Lu Ze, who was looking at him coldly, and couldn't help but shiver. The intimidating aura emanating from this person didn't seem like that of an ordinary hunter!

However, now that things had developed to this point, he could only try his best!

Thinking of this, Ming Yue didn't hesitate anymore and really rushed towards Gao Xuwei's tent with Lu Ze.