King Gu Han, May I Ask Your Future Princess Consort's Name?

"You still haven't given up on your delusions." King Gu Han took a sip of wine and almost spat it out when he heard Lin Suisui's words. He stared at Lin Suisui in dismay. "Tsk, do you really want your husband to save you?!

"Then have you ever thought about how your husband will treat you even if he saves you?!"

It wasn't that he had not seen women who had been saved before.

Previously, most of the women who thought that they had been abused by the northern barbarians didn't survive after returning to the empire!

They desperately wanted to return to their hometown, but the people who sent them to their deaths were mostly their father, brothers, and husbands…

"Perhaps if you struggle to survive like this, you'll only end up with a cup of poisonous wine when you go back. Those people won't even give you a grave. You'll just be wrapped in a straw mat and thrown into the mass grave!"