
However, on the day they arrived, Lin Suisui couldn't care less about other matters. She only wanted to take a shower and sleep comfortably.

Everything had to wait until she had rested enough!

However, to Lin Suisui's surprise, as soon as she came out of the inner room after washing up, she was startled by Lu Ze, who had just washed up and was leaning against the head of the bed and checking something by the candlelight.

"Why are you here?!"

They had no other choice in the refugee camp, but now that they have rooms available, shouldn't he return to his room to rest?!

"Where else should I be?!" Lu Ze looked up at the shocked Lin Suisui, and his expression darkened.

Lin Suisui blinked and was stunned for a moment before subconsciously replying, "Shouldn't you go back to your room?!"