
After Fang Rui'er thought about it carefully, she finally shook her head and said with certainty, "No."

In order to prove that she was right, Fang Rui'er even gave a very convincing example. "Our next door neighbor is the closest to us.

I go to their house often, and their daughter-in-law often comes to our house to visit.

However, the youngest in their family is Er Ni'er, who's about my age.

Their daughter-in-law is even older than my brother, but she doesn't have a child.

I remembered that after my sister-in-law got pregnant, she even mentioned this when she came over to talk. My sister-in-law originally thought that it was not appropriate to say anything about this kind of thing, for fear that it would arouse the other party's sadness and make her unhappy, but she did not seem to care at all. She only smiled and said that she wasn't fated.

If it were any other village, the elders would have been anxious!