
After Kong Xunqi got someone to park the carriage outside the Kong family's medical center, he was in no hurry to enter. Instead, he stood at the door and looked up at the plaque hanging above the main door.

After knowing that Kong Xunqi had returned, Kong Fangzhou, the eldest son of the Kong family, who had been waiting for news at home, quickly came out of the medical center. He was shocked by his father's despondent expression and quickly came over to ask, "Father, did something happen?"

"It's nothing serious." Kong Xunqi placed his hands behind his back and turned to look at his eldest son. Then, he told him what had happened in the medical association today before saying, "Tell everyone in our medical center to be more alert recently. Don't cause trouble for us at this juncture again!

"Also, tell our other relatives to be careful not to cause trouble. If anyone causes trouble for me at this time, don't blame me for being ruthless."