I Trust You!

"You don't have to worry about that." Pei Qian didn't panic at all in the face of Pei Zhaoyue's question. He was still calm and composed as he looked at Pei Zhaoyue disdainfully. "Actually, you might not believe me if I tell you now, but I really didn't plan to attack you now.

Unfortunately, you insisted on shooting yourself in the foot. I couldn't stop you!

You'll have to die at the hands of the northern barbarian spies."

As Pei Qian spoke, he slowly stood up. He looked at the ashen-faced Pei Zhaoyue as he explained to her with a smile, "Aunt, don't worry. After you die, I'll report it to the Fourth Prince and do my best to eliminate the northern barbarian spies who infiltrated and avenge you!

As for my uncle, you don't have to worry.

With me around, I definitely won't let you be too lonely on the road to hell. He will accompany you to hell!"