44: A typical outing

'How did I find myself in this situation? I can feel the eyes glaring daggers into my back even from behind the window curtains.'

Elysia flinched as the needle came too close to piercing her body again. This was already the tenth time she had been pricked because of her body's reaction.

"Lady Dirac, you need to relax. Your dress will not sit well on your body if you move around too much."

The old lady who was fixing Elysia's dress somehow managed to prick Elysia again. She was being extremely patient with Elysia which made it easy for Elysia to ignore these small mistakes on her part.

But Lord Dirac, eh, Lucas didn't seem to think the same. He was glaring at the old lady, daring her to prick Elysia again.

'Brother has a powerful glare. I am sure it must be making the shop owner even more nervous.'