46: Making plans - part 2

"It's nice if you finally find the time to see me, my dear daughter. I heard that you took care of the Kelvin town case. So, how was the experience leading the team?"

Eve had not wanted to come back to the temple this soon. Instead, she would have preferred to spend the day with Elysia now that she was finally awake.

But the charity ball was a big event that Eve could not afford to mess up. This was where her reputation as the next saintess would be coined.

'And then I can openly state my intentions toward Elysia. I need to stay focused until that very end.'

Eve knew she was no match for the Crown Prince just yet but soon she would be. She would have the power and influence to match him.

"Father, why did you ask Elysia to help me during the Kelvin town case? I could tell that it was your doing even if she didn't say anything to me."

The Head Priest didn't even look startled at being found out. Eve hated this about her adopted father.