48: A new teacher - part 2

"My lady, it is so nice to meet you. May I have the honor of making your acquaintance?"

There was a tense silence as Victor asked for Lady Dirac's hand. Even the servants had quitened down to look at the scene.

"Victor, what are you doing? I specifically asked you not to cause a scene but here you are, ignoring my words. Do I need to rethink my decision of hiring you?"

Lord Dirac's voice was black with rage and regret. Even Elysia had to take a step back at the unexpected reply she heard.

The only ones who did not look on edge were Lord Sorias and the man Victor who was being addressed. 

Victor even had the audacity to laugh out loud at Lord Dirac's threat, immediately invalidating any and all threats made on his person.

"Awww, don't be that stiff with me Lord Dirac. You know I was just joking around with the little lady here. There is no way I will make a move on someone this young. I don't want to die at your hands."