53: A forest incident [pt1]

"Ouch, I fell again and it also seems like I sprained my ankle. Won't you help me out, Lord familiar? I don't think I can walk anymore."

The foreign girl was at it again. Maybe she thought that Sorias could not see through her act and that was why she was acting like this. 

But one thing was for sure, whatever reason this 'White' girl was acting for, Lord Sorias was not going to fall for it.

The younger girl had already fallen twice and made excuses of being injured to get Sorias to let her close. But he could not smell any sort of pain or distress in her scent. This White girl was faking her injury.

"Maybe you should help her out, Sora. Lady Emma is a guest and we cannot allow her to get injured for real." 

Sorias growled at Elysia's suggestion, letting her know just how disappointed she was in her decision. Why was she pushing Sorias into the lion's den so openly?