64: A failed kidnapping

"Wait, this is not the way to the cafeteria. Did I happen to get lost on my way?"

Elysia had known that she was walking in the right direction but had she taken a wrong turn anywhere on her way and somehow ended up in this deserted part of the campus?

She was not aware that she had even left the main path because she had heard people chatter around her.

But looking around her now, there seemed to be no sign of any kind of life form. Elysia was alone wherever she had ended up at.

Footsteps were closing in around Elysia but she could neither see nor feel any human presence around her.

"Look at her, so helpless. She does have a gorgeous face as that noble said. Do you think we can have some fun with her before we hand her in?"

The words were spoken right against her ear as a hand clasped around her waist and pulled her closer to the body at her back.