66: An invite to the ceremony [pt2]

"Hahaha, so you see, it's a long story. Elysia will tell you all about it. Right, Elysia?"

"Huh? Don't point it toward me. I had nothing to do with it. W-Well, not nothing but it's the same principle. A-Anyway, what were we talking about? A-Ah yes, that invite. Sara, weren't you telling us about that social invite?"

Elysia felt flustered at the sudden shift of focus on her. Her brother's piercing eyes were looking at her with judgment.

The more intense Lucas looked, the more Elysia felt like hiding. Why was this situation so awkward all of a sudden? And why were all eyes on Elysia?

"Anyway, the person who attacked me is dead so it is done and over with. I don't want to think anymore about it."

Everyone sighed in union at her nature. But Elysia was unwilling to back down. 

"Why does this sudden nature of yours come out at these weird times? Anyway, we can hurry this talk for now and revisit it later if you want to."