92: Hushing some mouths [pt1]

Baron Pheros was not an impressive-looking man. He was neither tall nor muscular. He was average in all specs that counted except the feeling of his magic.

'Fuck, he doesn't look like the main character at all. How did this man play an important role in this arc by being this plane?'

That was the first thought that crossed Enma's mind before he forced himself to remember that this world was no longer fictional but a reality for him now.

The rules of a novel did not apply in such a world and he needed to separate his past self from his present self.

'Still, seeing him make those sick eyes at Elysia and checking her out feels gross. How did I endure it in the novel?'

There had been more than a few odd people who had made a passing remark about Elysia's beauty and being attracted to her but it had never hit home to Enma before. He had felt nothing when that happened to Elysia.