118: The journey of a mile [pt3]

Elysia could feel their eyes on her body. Both Adam and Eve were looking at her with interest, which made Elysia feel shy.

To be honest, she did not mind being in that transparent robe in front of her childhood friends since they had seen her at her worse, but it was still a little embarrassing to be looked at like this.

"Elysia, are you sure you are alright? The temperature has gotten a little colder, so walking in should be uncomfortable only that."

"N-No, I'm alright."

Elysia assured Eve, knowing fully well that she would be killed by Lord Yohan if she caused any problem during this ceremony.

This was the last step toward Eve's pre-Sainthood training. The younger girl might not realize it, but she would be appointed as the Saintess after this ceremony.

She would also be engaged formally to the Crown prince and Elysia could finally end this twisted relationship with the pair.