124: Fate is a b*tch [pt2]

So, Elysia had a plan. It was not a great one but it was a plan nonetheless. But the biggest problem with her plan was how to get it started.

'Ugh, he is not going to listen to me. I will need to knock Lexus out first before explaining things to him. I will ask for his forgiveness later.'

This was easier said than done. With the dense influx of mana around Lexus, it would be a miracle if Aurora was even able to reach him anytime soon. She would likely be torn to shreds even before she took a single step ahead.

Elysia wanted to create some distance between herself and the seven-year-old kid in front of her but she could not move.

Elysia did try to follow her advice for the most part but she was caught before she could even take a single step back. Lexus was in front of her in seconds with her wrist in his small hands.

"Where do you think you are going? I won't allow you to leave."