133: You are a grown-up [pt1]

Eve stepped into the Dirac inner grounds with a nervous face. She had thought that she was ready to face whatever happened and whatever punishment she got from Lucas Dirac for losing his sister. 

She was afraid to face Lucas Dirac and be judged as incompetent. Lucas was Elysia's brother and Elysia held him in high regard. So if Lucas asked Elysia not to ever speak with Eve again once she was brought back home, then Eve was sure that Elysia would comply.

And that would end u breaking Eve's heart in the process. She did not want that to happen to her.

'No, I should not be thinking like this. Elysia won't shun me for something that was not my fault.'

"You don't have to be too nervous Eve. Everything would be alright. Lucas is a decent person and he won't fault you for Elysia's disappearance. Besides, he asked for your help because he believed in your innocent."