142: Finally home [pt2]

"They looked around everywhere they could, but alas, no solution was found in the end. They were not able to retrieve Elysia in the end and-"

"Sara, I will hit you hard if you do not quieten down right this second. I am not in a good mood today."

Eve wanted her familiar who made a hesitant motion of closing her mouth. But the amused smile on her face did not lessen even with that.

Sara did not mean to laugh or poke fun at Eve's expanse but there was nothing else to discuss. This was the only topic Eve was even remotely welcoming and Sara would take what she could right now.

"I know that you are not in a good mood but come on. You cannot spend the whole day mopping like this. People spent a lot of money on this party. At least learn to enjoy it a little."

Sara pointed out, trying her best to get Eve to join in on the fun. But Eve was being a killjoy and had no intention of being a part of the celebration.