154: A fair trade [pt1]

"No means no. Do not make me repeat myself, Elysia. I do not care how busy I am or how many summon I get from the temple. I am not leaving your side."

This fight had been going on for some time and even the two people who saw it happen live could not help but feel that it was ridiculous.

"B-But you should go and answer the temple, Sora. It might be important for you to show up. And I can take care of myself. Enma and Emma are with me so they can keep an eye on me."

Emma watched Elysia try and convenience Sorias for the past half an hour without success. But she was slowly but surely weathering him down with her words.

To her, it all indicated that Elysia had a plan that she could not execute as long as Sorias was in the building so she wanted him out.

Emma White was suspicious of Elysia's intentions the very second she stepped into her hospital room. A restlessness in Elysia's steps made Emma want to step out.